Open AI

DL HW/SW Codesign Engineer

Job Description

Posted on: 
July 24, 2023

We’re forming a new team to work with our partners on hardware optimization and co-design, and are looking for a founding engineer.

This team will be responsible for working with partners to optimize their hardware for our workloads, identifying promising new deep learning accelerators, and bringing those hardware platforms to production.

While primarily a software team, this team will be multidisciplinary and include experts in hardware design as well as data center facility design.

If you’re excited to work at the intersection of cutting edge deep learning and emerging hardware designs this role is for you!


  • Influence the roadmap of hardware partners to optimize them for OpenAI’s workloads.
  • Evaluate potential partners’ accelerators and platforms.
  • Build simulations and performance models to progressively improve decision making fidelity.
  • As the scope of the role and team grows, understand and influence roadmaps for hardware partners for our datacenter networks, racks, and buildings.

Job Requirements

  • Have at least 4 years of industry experience, including experience harnessing compute at scale or building semiconductors.
  • Have a strong bias toward action, and won’t take no for an answer.
  • Experience with hardware/software co-design
  • Are familiar with the fundamentals of deep learning computing and chip microarchitecture.
  • Have a strong intrinsic desire to learn and fill in missing skills; and an equally strong talent for sharing that information clearly and concisely with others.
  • Are comfortable with ambiguity and rapidly changing conditions.
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